
Wireless Sensor Networks: Design and deployment of real-life applications

Speaker: Dr. Elena Gaura, Reader in Pervasive Computing, Director of Cogent Computing Applied Research Centre, Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Coventry University, www.cogentcomputing.org
Title: Wireless Sensor Networks: Design and deployment of real-life applications
Abstract: After 20 years of intensive research, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) as enablers of detailed, continuous, multi parameter, spatio-temporal field sensing have not yet found their killer application nor met the enthusiastic forecasts of million parts/year industrial need and low per unit costs. Looking back at practice and developments in the WSN domain, the talk will travel the infamous hype cycle, from the Technology Trigger, through the Peak of Inflated Expectations to the Trough of Disillusionment up to the present raising Slope of Enlightenment. Examples from world wide research are brought forth, highlighting the hurdles, design traits and common development cycles for current real-life WSN applications. A body sensor network application design, implementation and deployment is presented as a case study, as it encapsulates many of the WSN development typical challenges for the practitioner in the domain: stringent safety critical compliance needs, technologically unaware end-user, harsh deployment environment, small footprint, flexibility allowing for future growth and finally, multidisciplinary nature from design to deployment.

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