
Research within the Think Lab at the University of Salford

Speaker: Prof. Terrence Fernando (University of Salford)
Title: Research within the Think Lab at the University of Salford
Abstract: This talk will present the on-going research at the ThinkLab on collaborative workspaces. The first part of the talk will focus on the outcome of the CoSpaces project which investigated the design and implementation of a collaborative platform for the aerospace, automotive and construction sectors. The requirements for the system were gathered by analyzing current collaborative practices and future visions. This project resulted in creating three types of workspaces : co-located, distributed and mobile. The second part of the talk will focus on the collaborative platform that is being developed for supporting various stakeholders in urban regeneration. Building on previous experience with the Black Country Urban Regeneration programme, current work is now focusing on Salford City to provide a comprehensive urban simulation framework.


IT Leadership: Challenges and Responses

Speaker: Dr Sharm Manwani (Henley Business School)
Title: IT Leadership: Challenges and Responses
Abstract: Large multinational enterprises face particular challenges when it comes to IT Leadership. They have complex structures which impact the strategy, governance and delivery of IT-enabled business change. Dealing with this complexity places particular demands on the IT leaders, particularly the Chief Information Officer (CIO).