
"EcoWeb" and "All of Us Networked"

Speaker: Roberto Pereira
Title: "EcoWeb" and "All of Us Networked"
Abstract: Everytime we introduce a technology in an environment, we produce changes that cause side effects in it, including on people, their values, customs, preferences and other cultural aspects. This requires an ethical and methodological responsibility of developing technologies that make sense to people and do not harm society. In this context, the development of artifacts, methods and tools for supporting designers to take explicitly into account cultural aspects is necessary and represents a challenge in the field of Human-Computer Interaction.
This talk aims to discuss the importance of involving and articulating cultural aspects in the design of computing systems. The discussions will be situated in the context of two projects, "EcoWeb" and "All of Us Networked", currently in development at the Institute of Computing, University of Campinas, Brazil.

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